It should be clear that the Promised Messiah(as) came in servitude to the Holy Prophet(sa) in order to eradicate Shirk from the world.
“Allah is He, except Him, none is worthy of worship, the Ever-living, the Self-Subsisting and All-Sustaining. Slumber seizes Him not, nor sleep. To Him belongs whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth.”
Unlike other religions, Islam provides a complete description of worship and prayer; which is derived from the Sunnah (practice) of the Holy Prophet Muhammad(sa)
God is not mute; rather He manifests His attributes and shows His servants the paths that lead to His pleasure.
Although we all claim to be Unitarians yet by our deeds and actions we belie our faith in the Unity of God. Idol worship is not the issue. The issue is exalting material things and human beings to a status reserved for God. God will out of his Mercy forgive other failings and excesses but
God refers to Himself in the plural various times in the Holy Qur’an in order to indicate His supreme authority and majesty.
The founder of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908) has mentioned eight means for this purpose in his book Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam.
The Islamic concept of God is distinct from other faiths as it is a strongly monotheistic religion with the worship of One God as its central theme.
World Religions Conference 2018
Can maths prove God? Is the universe a simulation run by an advanced civilisation? What can light bulbs teach us about the nature of consciousness?
There is an innate nature in man that seeks God. But to many, God is too abstract and ‘up there’. He is too far away, unseen, untouchable and unknown.
At the very outset I offer my hearty thanks to God the Almighty who has granted me the opportunity of coming to this town once again to preach my message. I have come here after the lapse of fourteen years. Last time when I left this town, I had only a few people with me
The heart is the small box of God and its key is with Him. Nobody knows that it contains. That being the case, why should anyone talk of what he thinks is in the heart of another person and thus become a sinner. The Hadees tells us that there would be a great sinner. God
At every step God’s sustenance is a Must. Look at the baby. When he is born. God grants him all the parts of his body, ear, nose etc., and He appoints two workers for him to serve him. The kindness that is shown by the parents is also a part of the sustenance that comes
People are of different types. There are some who have the faculty of accepting the truth quickly. There are others who take some time before they can grasp the truth. There are yet others who suppress their faculty accepting the truth and ultimately they become deprived of it. God the Almighty who is very much
First of all a man (as a baby) needs his parents (they are the ones who help him and do things for him) then he needs (as he grow up) the Kings and the rulers. When he advances and begins to admit that he has been committing blunders, and that the people whom he took
Sin is a very bad thing and when a man becomes bold and does not fear the violation of the commandments, then the wrath of God descends on him in this world as well as in the next world.
How to become a blessed man.
The Promised Messiah (as) and Imam Mahdi on Sins.
The Promised Messiah (as) and Imam Mahdi about the connection with God.
We have tried it our way. We have rationalized are actions .Yet peace eludes us. Peace is not the absence of trouble, but the presence of God in our lives..
The World Head and Fifth Khalifa of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, delivered the keynote address at the historic ‘Conference of World Religions’ on 11 February 2014.
For centuries, pollen and its sweet product, honey, have provided nourishment for many life forms. Honey is as much in demand today as it was in the ancient times.
The real solution, therefore, lies in the unfolding of true human nature and in educating the masses in the truth that universal brotherhood can be established by virtue of mankind’s relationship with one another through God.
Listen again! Do not do anything that was done by those who broke their oaths with Allah. Our prayer should be that we live as Muslims and die as Muslims. Amin.