No, Muslims do not celebrate Christmas. The Quran and Bible both give evidence that 25 December is not the date of birth of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him).
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, may peace be upon him, prophesised that he would marry her, but that marriage never took place and therefore his prophecy was wrong and so he must be false!
Another ridiculous accusation has been made that Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, may peace be upon him, died whilst in the toilet.
We understand that this was only a dream and a vision and relates to the close love and relationship Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad may peace be upon him had with Allah and not that he felt he was really God.
It should be clear that the Promised Messiah(as) came in servitude to the Holy Prophet(sa) in order to eradicate Shirk from the world.
In the Holy Qur’ān, all human beings are mentioned as members of a single large family unit. Members of this large family have some obligations and rights towards each other as well as to the unit itself.
Islam permits divorce, but according to the Hadith, it is one of the most displeasing acts in the sight of Allah.
Both Muslim men and women are enjoined to contribute to the betterment of society and to that effect, Islam does not limit a Muslim woman’s pursuit of leadership roles/duties in any manner.
The Islamic injunction of segregation between men and women is a means to prevent the free mixing of the sexes, such as to prevent moral degradation of society.
Before the advent of Islam, women did not have any status or rights in society. They were considered second-class citizens.
Islamic prayer (salaat) is composed of different physical postures. Out of respect for their chastity and honour, women are not advised to stand for prayer in front of men.
Yes, there are no female prophets in the history of all religions.
The subject of polygamy generates more misconceptions about Islam than any other. Islam does allow polygamy, i.e., having more than one wife at the same time, but it does not encourage it.
Yes. Mosques are for both men and women but they pray in separate areas, most often in separate halls.
According to Islam women are not considered inferior to men. Men and women have similar rights and in some areas women actually enjoy certain privileges that the men do not.
The Holy Qur’an repeatedly emphasizes the spiritual equality of men and women.
The Holy Qur’an states that all believers, without distinction, are equal and that only righteous deeds elevate one person above another.
The loose coat or jilbaab covers the woman’s body and hides the shape of her body from onlookers. The veil and a loose outer clothing protects a women and inculcates modesty in her.
In the Qur’an women are admonished to cover their heads and to pull their coverings over their bosoms. However the style and degree of veil varies according to the situation.
Islam stresses the relationship between body and mind. In covering the body one shields the heart from impurities.
Caliphate or Khilafat is a spiritual institution that succeeds prophethood. It provides unity, progress, righteousness and security to the followers of a Prophet.
The first successor to the Promised Messiah(as) was Hazrat Maulvi Nooruddin(ra). He was elected the first khalifa after the demise of the Promised Messiah(as) He was a favorite companion of the Promise Messiah(as) and was the first to pledge allegiance to him (bai’at). He was known for his deep understanding of the Holy Qur’an. He
Khilafat establishes the authority of Allah on earth, and the Khalifa strives to uphold that authority within the community of followers.
No. The name Ahmadiyya was given to the Community by the Promised Messiah to commemorate the name of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), who has the two names, Ahmad and Muhammad.
The founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (on him be peace).
Fundamentally in Islam, this right has not been given to any human being to declare others as non-Muslims. Religion is a personal matter and between the person and God and that is how the accountability is going to take place.
“My people will be divided into 73 sections, all of them will be in the fire except one.” The companions asked, ‘Who are they O Messenger of Allah,’ Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “They are those who will be like me and my companions.” (Trimizi, Kitabul Eeman).
The key difference is that Ahmadi Muslims believe that the Promised Messiah (also referred to as the Mahdi in some texts) of the latter days has arrived and he established the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in 1889.
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a dynamic, fast growing international revival movement within Islam. Founded in 1889, it spans over 200 countries with membership exceeding tens of millions.
There are no ceremonies or rituals for conversion to Islam. Once a person has studied, discussed and has satisfied his heart and mind makes a declaration “I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad(sa) is his servant and messenger”.
Covering of heads is not required when entering the mosque but rather only when engaged in prayer, however many visitors cover their head out of respect for the place of worship being a house of God.
Loved ones and relatives are to observe up to 3-days mourning period. Death is the normal part of living another form of existence in the hereafter.
When a Muslim child is born, the first ceremony to be performed is to recite “Adhan” and “Iqamah” in the ears of the new born. In Islam, death is treated with great dignity. Muslims strive to bury the deceased as soon as possible after death, avoiding the need for embalming or otherwise disturbing the body of the deceased.
There are no ritual objects used within Islamic services since Muslims believe that this would take away from the purpose of prayer, which is to communicate and have a personal relationship with God.
The leaders of prayer services are called “imams”, an Arabic term which literally means “leaders”.
Prayers can be offered alone, with family members, or with a congregation.
According to the Holy Prophet(sa), the black stone in the Ka’aba is one of the remnants of the stones that were showered from ‘heaven’.
Although Islam is a universal religion, Muslims are encouraged to learn Arabic regardless of their mother tongue. This is in order to better understand the Holy Qur’an and be aware of the meaning behind prayers.
Islamic festivals and ceremonies are also distinct ways of glorifying Allah and sharing the joy that flow from the blessings of being the “best people” who are guided to the true faith
Yes, Tahajjud prayer is the real Taraveeh prayer. Taraveeh prayer is the special prayer ordained for the month of Ramadan. It has to be performed each night during the month of Ramadan. It is in fact offered at Tahajjud time.
Fasting is regarded as a physical, moral and spiritual discipline for the purpose of promoting righteousness.
Animal meats have been part of human food chain as a source of protein since early ages. Even now our foods come from animal sources.
Islam provides guidance for a pure and healthy life.
Muslims seek to follow the noble example of the Prophet of Islam(sa). The Holy Prophet(sa) had a beard and wore a turban, both of which were the custom appearance of men of that age and country. However, these were not done simply to follow custom or tradition.
There is no one dress code prescribed for Muslims. This is simply due to the fact that there are more than one billion Muslims around the world living under different climates. Islam stresses the relationship between physical body and spirituality.
The religion of Islam requires belief in not only the Prophethood of Muhammad(sa), but all the prophets of God, including Jesus(as) (The Holy Quran 2:137). The Holy Qur’an details the story of Jesus, including his birth, mission as a Prophet to the Israelites, and his crucifixion.
Adam lived about 6000 years ago. He is popularly believed to be the first man created by God on Earth. However, this view is wrong.
God refers to Himself in the plural various times in the Holy Qur’an in order to indicate His supreme authority and majesty.