We left around 9.45pm or 10pm and were assured by the local Jamaat that we would reach our final destination in Columbus, Ohio within an hour and a half but in reality it took us longer and we did not arrive until midnight.
Upon our eventual arrival I looked around at all the Qafila members and I could see that I was not the only who was tired, but all of the other members also looked exhausted and hungry. I felt particularly for the older members of our party.
Most of all, I thought of beloved Hazur. For he had been working or travelling the entire day and would now have dinner and then rest very little before waking for Tahajjud so that he could pray for the Jamaat. I could not help but feel emotional, thinking once again about how Hazur has given his life to serving the Jamaat of the Promised Messiah. I prayed that Allah grant him strength because the burden placed upon him surely could only be lifted with God’s Special Help.
By the time we had ate dinner it was 12.45am and Fajr Namaz was just a few hours away. Hazur was staying at the home of Dr Ahmad Salam Sahib and after having dinner I felt like just lying down in the garage, however I was told that I would be staying at a home nearby.
A couple other members of the Qafila were also going to be staying there and one of them remarked to me with concern that everything is far away, what if the place we are staying is an hour away! He said that by the time we get there, we would have to start getting ready for Fajr! I have to admit that I shared his concerns! However, Alhamdolillah the home we were staying at was only ten minutes away and so as soon as we got there we all went to our rooms.
I can only speak for myself, but I know that as soon as I lay my head on my pillow, within moments I was sound asleep!