The Ahmadiyya Muslim community Indonesia, update you on their recent events.
Members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community, celebrate Greece’s Independence Day.
The Ansahrullah in the Ahmadiyya Muslim community Indonesia, get agricultural training.
The Asih Sesama Clinic celebrates that it has been in operation for five years, providing treatment and care that isn’t found in that area.
Mulaqats with Bernd Lucke, MEP, His Excellency Julius Peter Moto, a Korean delegation and Khuddam delegations from both Germany and the UK.
On 31 March 2019, 182 Khuddam had the blessed opportunity to meet with Hazrat Amirul Momineen(aba). A total of 20 regions across the country were represented in this mulaqat.
On Saturday 30 March, a group of 89 students from Germany had the privilege of meeting with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V(aba) for a mulaqat.
The Ahmadiyya Muslim community in Trinidad and Tobago, opened a Tabligh center.
Every few months, MTA News gives us a brief update on the first home of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community, Qadian.
The Ahmadiyya Muslim community UK, held a visual to honor the victims of the recent terror attack in New Zealand.
The Ahmadiyya Student Association in Indonesia, participated in the Water World day event.
The Ahmadiyya Muslim community in Indonesia held a three day business training event.
The Lajna Imaillah in Canada held the annual Interfaith Peace Conference.
This year in February, PAAMA celebrates Black History month in Canada.
The Lajna Imaillah in Adelaide West, held their annual Meena Bazaar.
The Lajna Imaillah Nigeria, held the seventh national annual Tarbiyat program.
The Ahmadiyya Muslim community UK, held a press conference following the recent terrorist attacks in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Nigeria, held a three day convention in preparation for the annual national convention.
It seems like yesterday when Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah strengthen his hand, graciously granted approval of starting an English weekly newspaper from the Markaz. Actually, it has been a whole year.
23 March is celebrated globally by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat as “The Promised Messiah(as)Day”.
Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya Canada visited the Markaz last week, visiting various Jamaat sites including Masjid Fazl, Baitul Futuh, Islamabad and Jamia Ahmadiyya UK.
Finally, before leaving the city, the Qafila drove to the seaport where Mufti Muhammad Sadiq sahib, the first Missionary of the United States, had landed almost a century earlier in 1920.
The next morning, several groups, including the local Amila, had the opportunity to have their photo taken with Huzoor.
Huzoor said: “Someone had told me that the minaret was too wide but I think it is very attractive and appropriate.”
Another person attending was Senator Sharif Street, a member of Pennsylvania’s State Senate.
Amongst the people I met, one person I will not forget was a middle-aged African-American lady, a practicing Christian, called Anetta Curry.
Speaking about the Baitul Aafiyyat Mosque itself, Huzoor said: “It will prove a beacon of light and hope to all peace-loving people, irrespective of their caste, creed or colour.”
Rather unbelievably when the person due to give Tilawat was called to the podium he did not come forward and for a few moments there was a lot of confusion.
A journalist from the Philadelphia Inquirer asked Huzoor if he had been able to sample any of the local food.
At exactly 5pm, Huzoor came to his office and noticed that the chairs were arranged in the same way they would be for a ‘family Mulaqat’, with Huzoor sitting at his desk across from the guests.
A friend of mine told me that two days before Huzoor’s arrival in Philadelphia he observed a devoted member of the Philadelphia Jamaat, Syed Fazal Ahmed sitting in the basement of the Mosque after midnight with tears in his eyes.
With the Grace of Allah, later that day, Huzoor inaugurated the Baitul Aafiyyat Mosque in Philadelphia with his Friday Sermon.
“When you are travelling with Huzoor people automatically respect you and you are looked after. How do you ensure that you stay humble and do not reach a stage where you expect such protocol?”
Another person to meet Huzoor in Philadelphia was an African-American convert to Islam, Mahershala Ali.
Throughout Huzoor’s visit to the United States, I saw several young students from Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada who followed Huzoor wherever he was.
Another family to meet Huzoor were Jibraeel Adu Farid (62) and his wife Bridget Adu Farid, originally from Ghana but now living in New York.
Another person to meet Huzoor for the first time was Jennifer Chaudhry, an American convert to Islam. She met Huzoor along with her husband Tarik Chaudhry and their young children.
Later that day, and again the following day, Huzoor met Ahmadis in family Mulaqat sessions.
Our first few hours in Philadelphia were somewhat confusing and there was a degree of disorganisation.
Huzoor had only been in the United States for around 36 hours but his itinerary was such that the following morning, on 17 October 2018, Huzoor departed from Baitur Rahman and travelled to Philadelphia.
“It was amazing to see Huzoor today. He is so pleasant and soft and he met my young kids with so much affection. I felt blessed to be in Huzoor’s presence and he gifted me a pen, which has his name on it. I will treasure it for the rest of my life.”
The morning after arriving in America, Huzoor came out of his residence where Ameer Sahib USA and other office bearers of the USA Jamaat were waiting to escort Huzoor on a tour of the entire Mosque premises.
Huzoor’s car stopped near the entrance of the Baitur Rahman Mosque and as Huzoor stepped out of his car, the local Ahmadi Muslims got their first chance to see Huzoor.
With the Grace of Allah, after a journey lasting around seven and a half hours, the flight safely arrived at Dulles airport.
Most of the Qafila members, including me, left the Fazl Mosque after a silent prayer at 1.20pm, whilst Huzoor and Khala Saboohi (Huzoor’s respected wife) departed at 2.55pm.
I also mentioned that Ghana Jamaat were holding their first ever ‘National Peace Symposium’ in a few days and had requested a written message from Huzoor to be read out at the symposium.
As Huzoor returned to Masjid Fazl after the conclusion of the Majlis Ansarullah Ijtema, he continued his daily activities and meetings in London, but also started preparing for his forthcoming tour.
After travelling to Germany and Belgium in September, Huzoor returned to London and on consecutive weekends, Huzoor attended the National Ijtemas of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK, Lajna Imaillah UK and Majlis Ansarullah UK.