As Huzoor returned to Masjid Fazl after the conclusion of the Majlis Ansarullah Ijtema, he continued his daily activities and meetings in London, but also started preparing for his forthcoming tour.
In early October 2018, during the days prior to Huzoor’s departure, I had the opportunity to serve Huzoor, as he prepared the text for the four public English language addresses he was due to deliver in the United States.
With the Grace of Allah, on four separate days, I was able to take dictation from Huzoor as he prepared for three Mosque openings in the United States, as well as the inauguration of a hospital in Guatemala.
On 3 October 2018, Huzoor prepared his notes for a speech he was to deliver in Philadelphia and before starting, Huzoor asked me whether the Mosque in Philadelphia was located in the inner city.
I was not entirely sure but vaguely recalled hearing it was located either on the outskirts of Philadelphia or outside the city itself.
As I was not sure, I should have made it clear I did not know but in that moment I presented the information as I vaguely recalled it.
Huzoor then dictated an address about the purpose of Mosques and I noticed that the length of Huzoor’s speech was a little shorter than some similar events he had graced in other countries.
After completing the dictation, Huzoor said:
“I have purposely kept the length of the address shorter because in the United States people are more accustomed to shorter speeches and addresses compared to Europe.”
With Huzoor’s permission, I had recorded the audio for Huzoor’s address on an iPad that Huzoor had given to me some time ago and, after the dictation was complete, Huzoor instructed that I check if it had recorded properly.
As I checked it, Huzoor noticed the ‘Voice Memo’ app on the iPad and he said it was not on his iPad.
Upon, this I replied:
“Huzoor graciously gave me a newer version than he had himself and the newer version has the ‘Voice Memo’ app pre-installed.”
I said to Huzoor that I hoped he would get a new model of iPad for his own work.
Thereafter, Huzoor smiled and said:
“I prefer to distribute such devices to those Waqf-e-Zindighis (life devotees) who will use them for Jamaat work.”
After I left Huzoor’s office, I did further research and I realised that the Philadelphia Mosque which Huzoor was to inaugurate was actually in an
inner city area and so I sent Huzoor a message of apology and clarified that the Mosque was not on the outskirts of the city, as I had mentioned before.
Later that evening, after Isha prayers, I visited Huzoor and Khala Saboohi (Huzoor’s respected wife) in their home, along with my wife Mala and two children Mahid and Moshahid.
After a few minutes, I took our younger son Moshahid outside the lounge where Huzoor and others were seated as he was a little irritable. Moments later, Huzoor came out of his lounge and walked down to his office.
As Huzoor was about to enter his office, he stopped and talked to me for a few seconds.
Huzoor said:
“Today, after I had given you dictation, I did my own research and realised that the Philadelphia Mosque has not only been built in the city but Philadelphia itself is a historic city! It is one of the biggest cities in the United States, whereas you gave me the impression it was a village!”
As he said this, Huzoor smiled but I felt very embarrassed and ashamed that I had given Huzoor the wrong impression.
Huzoor told me to come back to his office the next morning so that he could revise his speech.
When I returned home, I did further research on Philadelphia and the other cities Huzoor was to visit during his tour. I also sought the help of the USA Jamaat in this regard. Thereafter, the next morning, I went to Huzoor’s office and as Huzoor continued to work through some files on his desk, I mentioned some of the notable things I had learned about Philadelphia.
After a few minutes, Huzoor said:
“The speech I dictated yesterday can be used at the second Mosque opening in Baltimore. For Philadelphia, I will dictate a new speech now.”
Over the next hour, Huzoor dictated a very emotional speech and I was sure Huzoor’s words would touch the hearts of the local people.
Subsequently, Huzoor gave further dictation to revise the concluding part of the original speech, which was now to be used in Baltimore.
As the dictation concluded, Huzoor graciously permitted me to sit with him for a few more minutes.
I mentioned I had received a message from someone suggesting that during the final ten years of his life, Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) was completely bedridden and mostly in a coma-like state. From my own limited knowledge, I knew this was not the case.
After mentioning it to Huzoor, I immediately noted Huzoor’s great love, loyalty and total respect for Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) rise to the surface.
Huzoor said:
“This rumour or claim is completely wrong. I personally met Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) in the early 1960s and he used to joke and talk with us. One thing I saw and noted was how much Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) missed Qadian, as he mentioned his longing to return to Qadian in front of me. Also, Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) would occasionally go to Ahmad Nagar in his later years.”
Huzoor continued:
“Until a few years before his demise, Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) would attend the Jalsa Salanas and thereafter he would continue to send messages to the Jalsa each year.”
As Huzoor said this, he told me to hand him a particular volume of the compilation of Hazrat Musleh Maud’s (ra) books and addresses known as Anwar-ul-Uloom from his shelf.
Huzoor then read out loud a series of writings of Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) from the final years of his life.
As he read through some of the passages, Huzoor said:
“See how even though the messages were short they were filled with great knowledge, wisdom and were very emotional. For example, Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) has written that just as people made false allegations against the Holy Prophet (sa) and the Promised Messiah (as) they made false allegations and claims about him.”
Huzoor continued:
“Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) has written that he challenged such people to produce similar work to what he had done in his life for the service of Islam and out of his love for it. Thus, it is clear even in his final years, Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) was mentally fully alert. He continued to lead and guide the Jamaat and fulfil his duties until his final breath and our Jamaat literature and history proves this.”