What happens when young women abandon the UK to join ISIS in Syria? More importantly, what happens when they want to come back?
More then 50 members in Baptist Church visited the Ahmadiyya Mosque in Tanzania.
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad’s relationship with Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad (rh), the persecution he faced in Pakistan, his feelings on being elected Khalifa and his thoughts on whether the community will ever return to Rabwah or Qadian.
The Ahmadiyya Muslim community in Australia planned a day for reflection, education and community out reach, to support the common message of world peace.
Under the divinely guided Khilafat, the track-record of the Jamaat constitutes a stunning hallmark of success in striving to alleviate the political, social and economic problems of the world.
“I have been speaking on this issue for so many years. If they are Islamic extremists, then they are not practicing Muslims.”
His Holiness warned that rivalries between nations were intensifying and new battle lines were being drawn that could prove disastrous.
On the 9th March 2019, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad delivered the keynote address at the 16th National Peace Symposium hosted by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK.
‘All signs point in the direction of a serious combined nuclear-conventional arms race in Europe.’
This Symposium is a key event of the Community held at the largest mosque in UK and marks the 16th to date.
An Islam world peace exhibition was held in Qadian, India.
“I hope and pray that the African nations resist the worldly temptations to join existing international blocs or alliances that are based on greed and injustice.”
Ahmadi Muslims spread message of peace in Colombo
“With all my heart, I pray that mankind comes to recognise its duties to one another, so that those who follow us remember us with pride and gratitude.”
I pray that God grants sense to the people of the world and that the heavy clouds that loom above us give way to a bright and prosperous future.
Cardiff Peace Conference 2016 World News
Khalifa addresses integration during tour of Germany
The world is passing through very turbulent times. The global economic crisis continues to manifest newer and graver dangers almost every week. The similarities to the period just before the Second World War continue to be cited and it seems clear that events are moving the world at an unprecedented pace towards a horrific Third
A Documentary about Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (may Allah be his Helper), Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.
The Ride4Peace reaches its midway point on the 4th day of cycling.
Cyclists from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association in the UK are traveling from Glasgow to London in a 600 mile journey to raise money for the British Heart Foundation and Humanity First.
The World Head and Fifth Khalifa of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, delivered the keynote address at the 10th Annual Peace Symposium on Saturday 23rd March 2013.
On 22 June 2012 a few hours after Jumma prayers, Hazur‐Aqdas met with Dan Merica a well‐respected journalist working for CNN.
After the interview, the local USA Jamaat assured us that the journalist would write up a story and place it on the CNN website within the next couple of days.
It was the day that Hazur‐Aqdas made an historic address in the Gold Room of Capitol Hill entitled: “The Path to Peace: Just Relations between Nations.”